Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sabaska's Tale by J.A. Campbell

If you love fantasy, adventure and equine stories then you will love Sabaska's Tale by J.A. Campbell. The details of the time travels, strange worlds and Sabaska's special communication skills are excellent. The exciting plot makes it a page turner and the reader will be rooting for the teen protagonist as she tries to save Sabaska from evil beings. The prologue was a little confusing but I re-read it after I finished the novel and it made much more sense then!

Anna misses her grandmother after a tragic death, but is glad she had spent her childhood summers with her and learned all about horses. Now, she decides she needs to be the one to find homes for the 20 horses and her parents leave her on the Colorado ranch alone after the funeral. When she meets an evil man intent on taking her grandma's beloved bay Arabian mare, Sebaska, Anna is glad she has a couple of new friends to help her save the horse.

Visit the author's site at http://writerjacampbell.wordpress.com/