The much anticipated 4th book in my Beloved Horses series will be officially released on September 25th. That day is the first event for my 2010 Equestrian Book Tour to celebrate the launch of the book. It will be held at the Dutch Wonderland Reading Jamboree near Lancaster, PA.
See http://authorevents.blogspot.com/ for details.
The popularity of the Book Cover Contest determined the final cover, featuring all four of the selected horses - Angel, a Miniature Horse; Miko, a Nokota Horse; Spot, A Paint Horse; and JB, a Standardbred.
The 25 stories include photographs and describe how these special horses changed the lives of their new owners. The Table of Contents below explains their breed, owner, background and current discipline. Some horses are renowned, such as Horse of the Year, Jamaica, the foundation horse for Chester C. Weber's International Combined Driving Team, and Lukas, dubbed the World's Smartest Horse and an equine celebrity. Others are backyard horses but still near and dear to their owner's hearts.
View my website - http:/www.sharonminer.com - after September 25th for details on ordering. A new site is in the planning stages, so make sure you reload the page if cached - the new site will feature all 8 of my books, including Beloved Horses in Second Careers.
Table of Contents
| Horse | Name | Chapter Title |
Forward | Shane: Grey Quarter Horse | Nicole Drumheller Gargus | Finding Shane |
1 | Angel: Miniature Horse | Martha Duchnowski, | Broodmare to Combined Driving Champion |
2 | Benny: Palomino Paint | Missy Wryn | Orphan Syndrome Rescue to Clinic Mount |
3 | Billy: Morgan Horse | Hannah Davis | School Horse to Christmas Surprise |
4 | Bratlee: Quarter Horse | Linda Vital | Police Horse to Therapy Mount |
5 | Cherokee: Thoroughbred | Jane Bugni | Rehab to Champion Hunter |
6 | Dee Dee: Quarter Horse | Joanie Loveless | Rescued Equine to School Horse |
7 | Duncan: Standardbred | Judith Catchpole | Racehorse to Show Horse |
8 | Eclipse: Arabian | Patti Magennis | Racehorse/Broodmare to Champion Show Horse |
9 | Galique: Arabian | Betty Jo Bock | Show Horse to Psychotherapy Equine |
10 | Granny: Thoroughbred | Suzi Hek | Racehorse to Versatile Equine |
| Halee: Standardbred | Connie McComb | Harness Racer to Police Horse to Therapy Mount |
| Hochie: Paint Horse | Brandy Crago | Rodeo Performer to Therapy Horse |
| Jamaica: Dutch Warmblood | Chester C. Weber | Slaughter Rescue to Livery Horse to International Driving Champion |
| JB: Standardbred | Helene Gregory | Racehorse to Versatile Show Horse |
| Lukas: Thoroughbred | Karen Murdock | Throwaway Horse to Equine Celebrity |
| Mason: Quarter Horse cross | Joe Mathews & Maggie | Rescued Horse to Jumper in Training |
| Miko: Nokota Horse | Haley Stuscavage | Wild Horse Breed to American Sport Pony |
| Monty: Thoroughbred | Karen Dilly | Rescued Horse to Therapy Mount |
| Petoño: Quarter Horse | Leeann Fleetwood | Ranch Horse to Search & Rescue Mount |
| Rex: American Saddlebred | Isabella Bertolani | World Champion Saddlebred to Youth Mount |
| Sam: Tennessee Walking Horse | Charlotte Dutton | Amish Buggy Horse to Trail Companion |
| Spot: Paint Horse | Caitlyn Keyes & Gene Lane | Pony Club to Therapy Mount |
23 | Sugar Pie: Miniature Horse | Lori Horner | Broodmare to Therapy Mount |
| Timber: Belgium Draft | Lauren Quintana | Logging Horse to Trail Mount Legend |
| Trippy: Thoroughbred | Kathy & Aubrey Kriebel | Racehorse to Show Horse |