So many horse books, so little time...
Sorry about the cliches, but every time I visit a tack shop I head straight for the book section. There are so many books on training, riding and equine health care that it can be overwhelming. Or else there are so few books available, and sometimes none at all are offered.
The classics are great - by George Morris and Sally Swift etc - but what about all the new horse books? Everyone has an opinion, a theory or a philosophy concerning horses. But, (pardon the next cliche) consider the source.
Who is the author and why is he/she an "expert" on that subject?
Who is the audience for the book?
What's In It For Me?
This blog will address new books about horses - both fiction and non-fiction, for children as well as adults. The criteria will be that they have been published recently - say in the past five years. Or, at least in this century!
Comments about the books are welcome - after all, you may have a different opinion about the book, and your opinion may aid another reader.
Suggestions for reviews are also welcome, from authors as well as readers.
So, why am I an expert?
I'm not. I love horses and I love to read.
I owned a 40 horse stable for 25 years and have trained horses and riders for almost four decades. I've been a barn manager for several international competitors (H/J, Eventing & Combined Driving) and for a huge TB breeding farm with six stallions. I've run five riding programs at summer camps. But, I'm always learning - and love to expand my horizons.
Oh, and I'm an author of six books, three of which are horse books!
That photo shows me on my beloved horse, Fawn, the only horse that would swim past the waves! We would take a trailer load of six horses, twice a year to the Delaware beach, and some horses went every time. Yet, only Fawn would go in deep, over her head, trusting me and loving it as much as I did!
Fawn was the reason I began writing as a profession. More on her later.
So, now I combine my passions of horses, writing (& reading) and travel as I head to warmer climate each winter, and to the mountains in the summer (doesn't matter where - PA, VA, NY so far) with mu husband of 32 years and our Irish Terrier, Woogie.
Isn't that what retirement is all about? Doing what you love and expanding your horizons to try things and see places you never had time for before? (That was the downfall of owning a stable...)
Anyway, this blog is officially open - next time I'll review the first book - my new one, "Beloved Sport Horses," featuring Katie Prudent and Belladonna!