Bonnie Bryant writes another wonderful story about girls and their bonds with horses in Horse Shy, #2 in the series. The three members of the Saddle Club - Carole, Lisa & Stevie - enjoy a fun overnight camping trip.
But when they return and a horse owned by another girl is injured and has to be put down, Carole is devastated. She often rode the horse, Cobalt, and is now "horse shy" in her grief - avoiding all horses.
Carole's friends try to encourage her to return to the stable and eventually Carole faces her fears.
The only negative comment I have is that Cobalt is described as a stallion. Not only would a minor rider not be riding a high-strung stallion at a stable, but also Cobalt would not have been turned out in a pasture with mares and geldings.
I just don't understand why writers feel that the featured horse has to be a stallion when a gelding or mare would be more suitable and not take away any emotion in the story.
Find The Saddle Club series at bookstores, libraries and at Amazon.com.
1 comment:
I'm glad someone else noticed the whole stallion problem. I'll admit, I've never boarded, or taken many lessons, but would a lesson barn be putting kids up on a stallion? Not to mention, I understand (but could be wrong) that most boarding barns frown a bit on stallions.
Of course, I say this having read almost all of the SC books (in my 30s, no less). If I'd kept a list of the errors and weird stuff, it would have taken a good part of a notebook.
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