Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cowgirl Dreams

Cowgirl Dreams by Heidi M. Thomas is a keeper!

I loved this book because the voice of the protagonist was so real! Probably because it was based on the author's grandmother, a Montana cowgirl who actually rode steers in rodeos.

This book reminded me of the Little House on the Prairie series. Nettie, like those strong-willed girls who knew what they wanted, went after her dreams with determination and spirit.

Set in the 1920's in Montana, Nettie often rides and enters rodeos behind her parent's backs and against their wishes.
Her dream is to be a rodeo star - despite the reputation that she may earn or any of the broken bones she may accumulate. She tries to be a good daughter, especially after a family tragedy, but the rodeo life is only put on the back burning for a little while.

When she meets a handsome cowboy who also loves the rodeos and everything about horses, Nettie learns that her dream doesn't have to be extinguished, just shared.

Visit the author's site at http://www.heidimthomas.com


Heidiwriter said...

Sharon, Thank you so much for lovely review. The book was a labor of love and a lot of fun to write.

Watch for the sequel, Follow the Dream, due out in 2010!

Mary E. Trimble said...

I agree--this book is wonderful. I can hardly wait for the sequel.

Jean Henry Mead said...

Cowgirl Dreams is a terrific book that everyone should read. I look forward to the next one, Heidi.
